
2.5 hours, 3 numbers.

Not sure how many approaches I did; I lost count. Definitely more than 10. I amended my investment strategy so that it is time-based rather than approach-based. In my barbaric mood for last two days, I can clear 10 approaches during rush hour pretty fast.

Numbers were weak; I was pushing for i-date but they were all busy. I didn’t bother trying hard after the i-date possibility was lost, but I got the number anyways. With holidays in between, the attraction will probably fizzle out, but you never know.

While I can feel myself giving less and less of a shit, I still think there is room for me to care even less. I chickened out of some approaches due to spotlight. I still harbor doubt that a coworker might see me and judge me. Or what a girl will think if I approach her twice by mistake. All these limiting beliefs need to be squashed. Only then I will be completely free and absolutely shameless. When I am not thinking about these things, I can be more in the moment.

I can feel myself physically bumping up against a ceiling which is preventing me from advancing to the next level of shamelessness. Every day, I will push and push against this. No fap and all that pent up testosterone and adrenaline is helping considerably. I can feel the aggression oozing out from me. Eventually my sheer explosiveness will make this ceiling crumble.

I don’t care what happens after that. I just need to overcome the last bit of limiting beliefs by doing crazier and crazier shit. I need to reach my max shamelessness. I am getting there; maybe a couple more weeks? Just need to up the ante every day. After that, as long as I remain consistent, I can count on that problem being solved indefinitely. Then, I will focus on the next hurdle.


Now read this


10 approaches. After a turbulent few days, I am finding it easier to cope by accepting that, for whatever reason, I suck at game. And it will be a long, unforgiving, ordeal ahead. Results will not be guaranteed ever. There is no use... Continue →